1220: Cultivation Story: Social Security Office Ordered to Rescind Decision to Claw Back Pension Benefits Already Issued to Falun Gong Practitioner

A practitioner in Jiangxi Province, after having been illegally sent to prison for distributing truth clarification materials, is ordered to return 120,000 yuan in pension funds received while she was imprisoned. She and her brother use the opportunity to prove that her prison sentence, and the order to return pension funds, are both outside the law, and clarify the truth to many in the social security and legal offices. The judge rules in her favor and states that she broke no laws by practicing Falun Gong, and does not need to return the funds. This and other stories from the Minghui website.

Original Articles:
1. On the Issue of Flattery
2. Social Security Office Ordered to Rescind Decision to Claw Back Pension Benefits Already Issued to Falun Gong Practitioner



