873: Falun Dafa News – October 5, 2022

– Falun Dafa Group Wins First Prize in Australian “Floral Carnival Parade”
– Author and Educator Dies Six Days After Beginning Prison Sentence for His Faith
– University of Delaware: “Community Day” Attendees Experience the Tranquility of Falun Dafa
– New York: Falun Dafa Group Rallies Against Persecution in China During 77th UN General Assembly
– Russia: Falun Dafa Practitioners Hold Conference to Share Cultivation Experiences
– Chinese Woman in Sweden Stated: “We were all misled by the CCP. It is so evil.”
– New Zealand: Otaki Residents Express Their Support for Falun Dafa During “Spirit Fair”
– California, USA: Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance International Art Exhibition Touches San Diego Residents



