1065: Falun Dafa News – April 19, 2023

– Albany, New York: The Art of Zhen-Shan-Ren Exhibition Held in State Capitol
– Japan: Seminar on Ending Medical Genocide and Documentary on Transplant Tourism Expose the CCP’s Crimes
– Shoppers learn about Falun Dafa at Mall in Istanbul, Turkey
– Two U.S. Citizens Call on International Community to Rescue Mother Repeatedly Imprisoned For Her Faith
– South Korea: Master Li’s Recent Article “How Mankind Came To Be” Helps People To Be Kind
– Sweden: Tourists Praise the Power of Compassion and Encourage Practitioners’ Efforts to End the Persecution
– Shen Yun Impresses Theatergoers in Israel, Australia, Italy, Canada, and the U.S. Described As “A Great Deal of Love”



