Category: Minghui Radio
1496: Cultivation Story: [Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] Dreaming of Returning to My True Home in Heaven
A once sensitive and shy child who dreamed of fairy maidens and drew picture of heavenly scenes, later discovered Falun Dafa on the internet and was overjoyed to obtain the Fa. In celebration of World Falun Dafa Day, she shares her experience of becoming a Dafa practitioner. This and other stories from the Minghui website.…
1495: Cultivation Story: [Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] “Don’t Record This!”
In celebration of World Falun Dafa Day a practitioner in China recounts her life, her early life was peaceful and happy, but that changed suddenly when she was hit by a train and lost her leg. She became depressed and suicidal, until she discovered Falun Dafa. When the persecution began the local police sought to…
1494: Cultivation Story: [Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] “Why Can’t I Practice Such a Good Exercise?”
A school teacher in China faced persecution when the police found out that she is a practitioner. She understood that tribulations and complications are due to karma from past deeds, and interference from the old forces, and so he looked within and found her attachments to jealousy, combativeness, and resentment. When she imagined being asked…
1493: Cultivation Story: [Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] Progressing in Dafa through Xinxing Cultivation
A sharing by a practitioner in China in celebration of World Falun Dafa Day. When she was young and had little money, she often shared what she had with her mother-in-law, and extended kindness to her neighbors, even when they were not at their best. And when betrayed and deeply hurt by a relative, she…
1492: Falun Dafa News – July 24, 2024
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1491: Cultivation Story: [Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] At Nearly 80 Years Old, I Survived Being Hit by a Car
A practitioner in China shares the story of how after being hit by a car, at nearly 80 yeas old, she looked to the Fa, believed in Master, and searched within herself for shortcomings and recovered from the accident. This and other stories from the Minghui website. Original Articles:1. [Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] At…
1490: Cultivation Story: Imprisonment for Petitioning Led Me to the Greatest Gift: Falun Dafa
When pursuing payments promised to her family for the loss of her brother, a Chinese woman learns of the evil tactics of the CCP. While imprisoned and tortured for petitioning the government, she learns of Dafa and receives the greatest blessing. When she is again imprisoned for distributing truth clarification materials, she spends four years…
1489: Cultivation Story: [Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] All 65 Members of My Family Believe Falun Dafa is Good
A 72 year old practitioner in China recounts her past miserable life, suffering for more than a decade as her husband and children took care of her in ill health. Discovering Falun Dafa in 1999, she regained perfect health and became a diligent practitioner. Since then, all 65 members of her family have come to…
1488: Cultivation Story: [Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] Practicing Falun Dafa Has Helped Me Completely Abandon Atheism
In 1996 a young mother in China suddenly began suffering severe health issues and was introduced to Falun Dafa. After reading Zhuan Falun, the theories of atheism she was raised to believe no longer held true for her, and she understood that the meaning of her life was to return to her original true self.…
1487: Cultivation Story: [Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] Everyone at My Workplace Knows that Falun Dafa Is Good
A mine worker in Liaoning Province has cultivated steadily for more than 20 years, facing down persecution for going to Beijing to clarify the truth and uphold the name of Dafa, and has become a solid example of Dafa’s principles in his town and at his workplace, helping many to quit the CCP, and believe…
1486: Falun Dafa News – July 17, 2024
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1485: Cultivation Story: [Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] Practicing Falun Dafa Helps Me Overcome Tribulations in Life
A practitioner in Inner Mongolian shares how the hardship of losing her brother and her father, and then her mother showed symptoms of severe illness were very challenging, and how ultimately these events helped her to improve in cultivation by letting go of attachments to sentimentality, and placing her trust in Master and the Fa.…
1484: Cultivation Story: [Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] Little Feathers
A practitioner in China understands that in addition to clarifying the truth to people, Dafa practitioners must also demonstrate the goodness of Dafa in their words and actions. Here she shares the stories of how three of her friends were positively influenced by coming to know a Falun Dafa practitioner. This and other stories from…
1483: Cultivation Story: [Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] Behind the Miracles Is Master’s Boundless Compassion
When she obtained the Fa in 1998, having grown up in the countryside, poor and with little education, a woman in China learned to study the Fa and cultivate her xinxing with the help and encouragement of local practitioners. Here she shares some examples of how she learned to let go of personal interests, how…
1482: Cultivation Story: [Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] Compassion Can Melt Ice
A woman from Heilongjiang Province, once riddled with illnesses and living a life of despair and suffering, is now 72 years old and has been practicing Falun Dafa since 1998, and she lives a life free of illness. Her healthy and vibrant state has become a living example of the power and benevolence of Dafa…