Category: Minghui Radio
1179: Cultivation Story: Difficulties Pointed Out My Cultivation Gaps
A practitioner in the United States tries to find a fundamental attachment amidst tribulations and enlightens to the importance of paying attention to their cultivation state as a coordinator. This and other stories from the Minghui website. Original Articles:1. Difficulties Pointed Out My Cultivation Gaps2. Enduring the Darkest Years in the Company of Minghui Website
1178: Cultivation Story: [Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] Falun Dafa Helped Me Reconcile with My Mother-in-Law
After living a life filled with years of family tensions, health issues, and a feeling of hopelessness; a woman in Shandong Province takes up the practice of Falun Dafa and is immediately relieved of her physical pains, and strives to improve relations with her in-laws. With the help of Master and the teachings of Dafa,…
1177: Falun Dafa News – August 9, 2023
1176: Cultivation Story: Benevolent Master Lays Out a Path for Returning to My True Home
A practitioner in China helps her husband recover from being persecuted in a labor camp after he is dependent on a ventilator, she strenghtens her righteous thoughts, intensifies Fa study and goes out every day to clarify the Truth. Article:1. Benevolent Master Lays Out a Path for Returning to My True Home
1175: Cultivation Story: Waiting for Unconditional Release Through Perseverance in Detention
An elderly practitioner in her sixties, illegally detained for practicing Falun Dafa, selflessly navigates her time in detention in order to validate the Fa, and even under cramped and uncomfortable conditions sought to help others first, and set a good example. Through clarifying the truth of the persecution and persisting in her faith in Master…
1174: Cultivation Story: [Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] Practitioner in Australia: As Long As We Have Faith in Master, Miracles Will Happen
In celebration of World Falun Dafa Day, a practitioner in Australia shares several amazing stories of how having a deep understanding of, and full faith in the Fa, helped practitioners overcome serious and life threatening challenges including car accidents, gun shot wounds, and pneumonia. Article:1. [Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] Practitioner in Australia: As Long…
1173: Cultivation Story: [Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] Compassion Lights Up the Detention Center
A practitioner in China clarifies the Truth to others in the detention center and helps many to see the wonderfulness of Falun Dafa. After being sentenced to prison, the guards were stopped from taking her to prison. This and other stories from the Minghui website. Article:1. [Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] Compassion Lights Up the…
1172: Cultivation Story: [Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] Keeping to the Tradition of Teaching Students What Real Art Is
A practitioner in China who owns an art studio shows how teaching with traditional ways and with rationality and kindness helped to improve and influence the field of art education. Article:1. [Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] Keeping to the Tradition of Teaching Students What Real Art Is
1171: Cultivation Story: Displaying the Goodness of Falun Dafa in the Mining Industry
A veteran practitioner from Liaoning Province shares inspiring stories of his work in the mining industry, and how he and fellow disciples spread the beauty of Dafa through their good and honest work, refusing to accept bribes, and how he helped many people understand the goodness of Dafa, and helped them to quit the CCP.…
1170: Falun Dafa News – August 2, 2023
1169: Cultivation Story: A Young Practitioner’s Journey to Steadfast Cultivation
A young practitioner in China, confined by the pandemic, uses the time wisely to study and cultivate with their father. With righteous thoughts they overcome fatigue, and by uncovering an attachment to zealotry learn to better validate the Fa to family members with fewer words, and good actions. This and other stories from the Minghui…
1168: Cultivation Story: Falun Dafa Changed Me and Taught Me High Moral Values
A practitioner in China overcomes many tribulations with her family by being considerate of others and being tolerant. Experience sharing article: Falun Dafa Changed Me and Taught Me High Moral Values
1167: Cultivation Story: Finally Finding My True Master – A Korean Monk Returns to Secular Life to Practice Falun Dafa
An ordained monk in South Korea starts to practice Falun Dafa after receiving a flyer and returns to the secular world. Article: Finally Finding My True Master – A Korean Monk Returns to Secular Life to Practice Falun Dafa
1166: Cultivation Story: [Celebrating Falun Dafa Day] A Day at the Police Station
A Falun Dafa practitioner in China maintains strong righteous thoughts and doesn’t cooperate when arrested for putting up posters. At the police station, her files are missing and she is released immediately. Article: [Celebrating Falun Dafa Day] A Day at the Police Station
1165: Cultivation Story: Remaining Steadfast Despite Being in Prison
Sentenced to six years in prison, a determined practitioner in China remains steadfast in his faith, and endures years of harsh treatment while validating the Fa to both guards and inmates. Article: Remaining Steadfast Despite Being in Prison