Minghui Radio Podcast
1273: Cultivation Story: Overcoming a Tribulation: Negating the Old Forces’ Arrangements
A practitioner in China overcomes a tribulation at work when she refuses to sign guarantee statements to stop practicing Falun Dafa. Through her righteous thoughts, she clarifies the truth to her coworkers and doesn’t lose her job or take a cut in her salary. Original Article:1. Overcoming a Tribulation: Negating the Old Forces’ Arrangements To…
1272: Falun Dafa News – November 15, 2023
1271: Cultivation Story: Going Forward Amidst Tribulations
A practitioner in Hubei, China obtained the Fa in 1995, and dedicates her life to cultivating in Dafa. She enlightens to the debt she owed her husband and no longer resents his behavior, and endured many attempts by the CCP to make her stop practicing. This and other stories from the Minghui website. Original Article:1.…
1270: Cultivation Story: [Washington DC Fahui] Cultivating Solidly and Diligently
Experience sharing articles on the Minghui website:1. [Washington DC Fahui] Cultivating Solidly and Diligently2. Master Taught Me to Find Joy in Hardship
1269: Cultivation Story: Looking Within: Improving Myself While Being a Coordinator
Experience sharing articles on the Minghui website:1. Looking Within: Improving Myself While Being a Coordinator2. My Understanding of Resentment
1268: Cultivation Story: New Student: A Terminally Ill Person Becomes Healthy
A man in Hebei Province lived a very bitter life; riddled with illnesses and losing all of his family members to cancer, when he is also diagnosed with lung cancer he sought alternative treatment and discovered Falun Dafa. Learning the exercises and studying Zhuan Falun on his own, he becomes healthy for the first time…
1267: Cultivation Story: Defending Falun Dafa Led Me to Begin Practicing
After ten years of practicing Falun Dafa, a woman in China experiences symptoms of heart attack twice, which prompts her to look for attachments she may still have. She had harbored resentment towards a family member, and had been competitive and jealous. She resolves to cultivate well and eliminate her attachments. This and other stories…
1266: Cultivation Story: Analyzing Tribulations with Righteous Thoughts
A practitioner in Singapore learns to look at things with righteous thoughts and to grow with each tribulation. This and other stories from the Minghui website. Original Article:1. Analyzing Tribulations with Righteous Thoughts2. Miraculous Experiences in Dafa Cultivation
1265: Falun Dafa News – November 8, 2023
1264: Cultivation Story: Western Practitioner: Some Cultivation Insights While Participating in the Media
A Western practitioner shares experiences in working in the media; from being excited to employ his writing skills, to being surprised and angered by corrections and criticism, and coming to realize he was not to validate himself, but help save sentient beings and validate Dafa. Experience sharing articles on the Minghui website:1. Western Practitioner: Some…
1263: Cultivation Story: Falun Dafa Cultivation Is Changing My Life
A practitioner in Wuchen, China lived a hard life of drinking, smoking, stealing, and fighting. He first encountered Falun Dafa in 1997, but didn’t begin cultivation in Dafa until 2019, but then his many illnesses are quickly removed. He becomes a good and kind person and understands the urgency of improving and cultivating well. Original…
1262: Cultivation Story: [Taiwan Fahui] Look Within When Facing Sudden Conflicts
A practitioner in Taiwan shares her experience of the powerful effect of looking within when conflicts arise. When confronted with challenges in her professional life, and working at NTDTV, when she corrects her thoughts and considers others first, problems are resolved. This and other stories from the Minghui website. Original Articles:1. [Taiwan Fahui] Look Within…
1261: Cultivation Story: [San Francisco Fahui] Seize the Time to Save People
A practitioner in San Francisco shares how two dreams help to remind him of the urgency of saving sentient beings, and how he committed to using his time to help save sentient beings. This and other stories from the Minghui website. Original Article:1. [San Francisco Fahui] Seize the Time to Save People2. Be Wary of…
1260: Cultivation Story: Cultivating One’s Mind Is Key
A practitioner in China peels back the layers of his hidden attachments to reveal what he thought was Forbearance was a show-off mentality; and also uncovers deeply buried selfishness and an unresolved attachment to lust. By considering Master’s teachings on Dafa being a “formless way” he finds that compassion that is part of true Forbearance.…
1259: Falun Dafa News – November 1, 2023
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